Hello everyone!
This Week's Playlist - Season 3, Episode 34.
A new exercise for this week. A throwback 20 years ago, in the glorious year of 2004.
I was slowly entering adulthood, getting out of my metalhead teenage years, and broadening my musical tastes (I discovered Ulver the year before). I got my first laptop.
It was also during those years that sharing and discovering music on the Internet became easier. This was before the YouTube era (but Audiogalaxy was still going strong). I discovered a lot of new bands at that time.
I also started going more regularly to gigs with some friends. Some of them documented these last year (cf episode 121).
So, for this week, I dug into my archives, trying to retrieve what I was listening to in that era.
I hope you enjoy it and see you next week.

There is a YouTube link for each of the songs on the cover, and here are the playlists for each streaming platform:
1. Mark Lanegan - Methamphetamine Blues
First, I discovered the Queens of the Stone Age on MTV a couple of years ago, with their "Rated R" album.
I went to see them at the Elysee Montmartre during their 2003 tour. Of course, they had Mark Lanegan on stage to sing his lines on the songs from their "Songs for the Deaf" album.
Of course, I had no idea who he was. It took me until the release of his seminal album the following year to really appreciate one of the prominent figures of the grunge scene.
2. RJD2 - Since We Last Spoke
I also got more into electronic music and abstract hip-hop. RJD2 was already buzzing strong and I remember vividly his set in a park in Western Paris one spring afternoon for the release of his second album.
3. Le Tigre - Don’t Drink Poison
I think I somehow discovered le Tigre randomly and, by doing so, extended the electropunk stream by downloading music on Audiogalaxy and Soulseek.
4. Pain of Salvation - Imago
The Sweddish prog rock band played their new concept album in their hometown of Eskilstuna, Sweden.
I was a big fan at the time and b.eing student and a lot of time to spare, we decided with 2 other friends to go to the gig.
We were skint so we book the cheapest Ryanair flight and slept in a tent near the venue.
5. Explosions In The Sky - First Breath After Coma
While the album is from 2003, I saw the band twice on stage during 2004. Once on a peniche boat and then at a music festival.
This was my first live contact with post-rock and long and instrumental pieces.
Until the next time, Godspeed!
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