This Week's Playlist #17 - The "Labour Day" edition
Week #16 - The "My friends got talent" edition
TL;DR: I'm running a weekly newsletter with 5 songs and a short description of it, and a matching Spotify playlist if you want to subscribe.
For the non-Spotify readers, there is a Youtube link for each of the songs on the cover.
Hello everyone!
Happy week 17 :-)
Happy Labour Day Sunday everyone, with a playlist in support of our working class heroes today (especially in France :-))

Noir Désir - L’Homme pressé: One of the major french rock bands to start with this week. This song, from their most successful album, is a raging anthem against globalisation and capitalist system, represented by the “busy man” (the title song) who’s thriving for profits at all cost.

Stereolab - Ping Pong: Not an average political band. Stereolab is an anglo french band from the 90s. They are based in London, writing jazzy, krautrock pop songs laced with radical left-wing politics. Here, about capitalism’s innate tendency to become too greedy for its own good, resulting in a never-ending cycle of boom, collapse and recovery.

Nirvana - Serve the servants: I had to include a Nirvana song :-) Although it’s not a song particularly focused on capitalism,the servants here might refer to the media, Nirvana’s music label, maybe even fans, but more widely to the capitalist society as a combination of all the above. It’s just a way of saying “give them what they want until they are happy”

David Bowie - The Man who sold the world: Another classic here. While the lyrics are about another topic, I found the title on-par with today’s topic :-)

The Clash - The Magnificent Seven: I could not finish the playlist without the Clash (especially considering I live in London :-)) and their timeless lyrics :-)
Until the next time, Godspeed!
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Previous episodes
Week #16: The "My friends got talent" edition
Week #15: Happy Easter
Week #14: Famous bands I started to listen to at the age of 40
Week #13: The Number of the Beast edition
Week #12: The Fat of the Land edition
Week #11: The Modern Soul voices
Week #10: Heavy metal goes pop music
Week #9: The Mask edition
Week #8: RIP Mark Lanegan
Week #7:
Week #6:
Week #5: The readers’ digest
Week #4:
Week #3: Albums for 2022 2/2
Week #2: Albums for 2022 1/2
Week #1: Happy New Year