This Week's Playlist #9 - The Mask Edition
Week #9 - The Mask Edition
TL;DR: I'm running a weekly newsletter with 5 songs and a short description of it, and a matching Spotify playlist if you want to subscribe.
For the non-Spotify readers, there is a Youtube link for each of the songs on the cover.
Hello everyone!
Week 9/52!
A new Batman movie is out this week. I thought I would take the opportunity to curate a playlist with 5 masked (or wearing helmets) bands / musicians.

MF Doom (& Czarface) - Bomb Thrown: Let's start this playlist with MF Doom. The big villain metal face (who left us at the end of 2020) was one of the most hip hop enigmatic figures. He has a very recognizable voice and tempo, always sounding slightly off track. This song is one of the highlights of the collaboration album with CZARFACE.
Full album: Czarface Meets Metal Face (2018)

Bob Log III - Log Bomb : Bob Log III is a one-man band from Tucson, Arizona, like nothing you have ever seen. He's dressed in a human cannonball suit & a full-face helmet with a telephone receiver stuck on the front and plays a badass delta blues electro party on a real beat-up hollow-body guitar & bass drum.

GOAT - Gathering of Ancient Tribes
Goat is a swedish alternative= rock. They wear masks and costumes and play a very hyptonizing crossover of western pop and influences from outside such as funk, afrobeat and world music with a high dose of sprinkled psychedelia.
Full album: Commune (2014)

Buckethead - For Mom: Another mysterious masked and wearing KFC bucket helmet guitarist. This one is from his early work, much more chilled and acoustic guitar-oriented than the guitar- hero-esque of his more recent albums.
Full album: Colma (1998)

Daft Punk - Short Circuit: I had to finish this playlist with Daft Punk. The French lords of electronic music. Here’s one of my favourite songs from their Discovery album, the most futurist and subtle album. One of the greatest albums of electronic music.
Full album: Discovery (2001)
Until the next time, Godspeed!
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Previous episodes
Week #8: RIP Mark Lanegan
Week #7:
Week #6:
Week #5: The readers’ digest
Week #4:
Week #3: Albums for 2022 2/2
Week #2: Albums for 2022 1/2
Week #1: Happy New Year